Teresa's Art Studio Blog... mostly art pics with other stuff now and then

This is a blog about artist Teresa M. Turner and her work. Teresa works in a variety of media and styles.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Newest painting and sculpture

I haven't had a chance to post on here for about a week and a half, partly from being busy, and partly because we've had thunderstorms quite a lot lately. Having once had a telephone and some other things get completely fried when lightning hit near the house, I figure I'll spare my computer from that fate if I can.

Here is my latest abstract painting, entitled INFINITY:

Original oils
24" x 36"

Although I primarily work in realism, I do enjoy creating abstracts as well. They provide the artist with a creative outlet which is unlimited in scope or vision. I find them very freeing in that regard.

I also experimented this week with a different color finish for one of my dogwood wall plaques. I make these from hydrostone, which is the hardest of the gypsum cements. Previously I had always painted these dogwood blossom pieces with a faux stone finish, but decided to try one with a faux bronze finish instead.

Acrylics on hydrostone
2-3/4" x 2-1/2"

I hope to post pics of some other pieces later this week!

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